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A Place Where Art and Science are Complementary
Janda Kirk Griffith Panitz, a physicist, thought of art as a diversion from the structured world of the lab. “I read somewhere that science is primarily a function of one side of the brain, and art primarily the function of the other- but they definitely complement one another”.
Janda (pronounced: John-da) acquired her B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in theoretical physics from Penn State. As a staff member in Process Metallurgy Division 5833 of the Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque did experimental work on thin film and surface metallurgy. As a painter, Janda belongs to the school called “magic realism”. That's a hard term to define, she says. It owes something to surrealism, something to superrealism - but essentially it means trying to inject a sense of time and emotion, of memory and anticipation, into a strong facsimile of reality.
Janda was born on February 2, 1945 in Harrisburg Pennsylvania. On September 20, 1967 she married John Andrew Panitz in State College Pennsylvania. She died suddenly two days before their 56th wedding anniversary.
Janda and her many accomplishments will be remembered by all who knew her.